Friday, June 9, 2017


The functions of a computer manager include;
(i)                To ensure that the computer department functions efficiently in the service of the computer.
(ii)              To ensure that the company needs of the organization are met within the established policy guidelines.
(iii)            To render expert advice to the management on issue concerning the computer
(iv)            To ensure safekeeping of the pieces of computer hardware and software.
(v)              To ensure that the computer is operated within the stipulated operational guidelines.
The following mechanisms are provided to prevent illegal access to information in a computer system:
(i)                Encryption: This is the means of scrambling data into a form which is not intelligible to unauthorized users.
(ii)              Identification and authentication: This is where a user identifies himself giving his name, account number (if possible and password.
(iii)            Confinement: This is achieved by a software tool which ensures that no path exists to enable a routine release information to a user outside the confined region.
(iv)            Internal consistency checks are devised to help prevent fraudulent use of a program since data values outside the range anticipated by the program designer can be detected.
(v)              The computer’s operating system can determine which process can assess which object within the system
(vi)            Threat detection mechanisms which detect and record any attempt to penetrate a program’s security.
System capability Factor:
This is an evaluation of the hardware and software features of the equipment which have value to potential value to the user and which are not or cannot be fully evaluated according to performance criteria.
In Evaluating Software capability we need to assess:
(i)                The operating systems
(ii)              The available programming languages
(iii)            The utility programs supplied by the vendor
(iv)            The application packages supplied by the vendor
System hardware capabilities can be evaluated more directly than those of systems software’s. A detailed specification of the hardware must have been given to the vendors.
It is then pertinent to know whether:
(i)                The vendor meets the minimum hardware specification;
(ii)              The system is truly expendable in a way which meets longer range needs;
(iii)            Hardware expansion mean faster through put or simply greater capacity;
(iv)            The vendor exceeds equipment specifications to an extent worthy of special consideration.
Systems Support Factors
This is an assessment of the hardware support systems, programming, and software support, and the training and educational support services to be provided by the vendor as part of the standard equipment cost.
To properly evaluate the proposed field support (hardware and software supports), the following areas can be crucial;
(i)                Preventive maintenance schedule
(ii)              Assignment of hardware engineering personnel
(iii)            Parts inventory
(iv)            Response time to user calls
(v)              Overtime charges
(vi)            Specialist supports levels
(vii)          Back up computers
(viii)        System down time/system payment correlation.
Training and education can be broken into three important areas;
i.                     Formal courses
ii.                   Vendor provided training materials
iii.                 Documentation
 The factors necessary for effective computer system design include;
(i)                Production of the desired information at the right time, in the right amount, with an acceptable level of accuracy and in the form required at an economical cost
(ii)              Incorporation of checks and controls, which are capable of detecting and dealing with exceptional circumstances and errors.
(iii)            Need to minimize the cost and the time spent on recording source data.
(iv)            Need for effective safeguards for the prevention of fraud
(v)              Effective security measures in order to avoid loss of data stored in master files
(vi)            Efficient design of documents and reports
(vii)          Efficient design of computer run.
Solution to question 7:
(i)                Computer virus is a piece of software which corrupts programs and data and which may replicate itself.
(ii)              Possible sources of computer virus include
a.       Free software (for example) from magazine
b.       Through your e-mail covers and bulletin boards
c.       Pirated software (usually cheaper than original versions)
d.       Games software (wide appeal)
e.       Duplication of software in violation of manufacturer’s guidelines.
iv.                Some examples of time bomb virus include:
a.       6th March (Michelangelo’s birthday)
b.       1st April (All fool’s day)
c.       22nd September (Hobbit Frode’s birthday)
d.       Any Friday 13 (unlucky day)
e.       26th of every month (Chernobyl virus)
v.                  Some of the administrative procedure to prevent computer virus include:
a.       The use of anti-virus software bought from a reputable source
b.       The scanning of all foreign floppy diskettes before use
c.       Not sharing programs or data files
d.       Avoid the use of pirated software
e.       Not using public domain or shareware software, unless this has been checked or guaranteed.
f.        Not using game software on computer meant for office work. 
vi.                The main consideration in the selection of a computer application package area:
a.       Cost of purchase
b.       Type of facilities available in the package
c.       Ease of use
d.       Integration capability with other application package
e.       Experience of previous users
f.        Type of computer on which the package will be run
g.       Machine memory capacity needed  
vii.               The reasons for the development of audit software are;
a.       The need to improve the integrity, reliability, and quality of the audit process.
b.       The need to improve its coverage to include all the pertinent areas that might otherwise be overlooked.
c.       In modern times, the data that are worked on are normally stored on electronic readable storage media, which are software oriented
d.       The need to harmonize the diversities in the computerized information processing environments that might confront auditors.
e.       There is also the need to make audit capabilities available to auditors who are relatively unskilled in the use of computers i.e. may not be able to develop the necessary programs on their own. .
viii.             The functions that can be perfumed by auditors when using the software
a.       Accessing of files read different data coding schemes, different records formats, and different file structures.
b.       Checking of arithmetic processes.
c.       Checking of data analyses
d.       Checking of created and updated work bases based on the organization’s master files
ix.                 The Causes of system Failure in the banks include;
a.       Electronic hard ware malfunctioning
b.       Telecommunication network problem
c.       Hidden program errors
d.       Computer viruses
e.       Irregular/Abnormal supply of power of the system
f.        Irregular Maintenance of hardware
g.       Sabotage due to poor security measures on the systems.
(a)          The reasons for constant maintenance and review of a system are:
a.       To solve any unforeseen problems
b.      To confirm if the system is achieved and will continue to achieve the desired output result.
c.       To keep up-to-date with technological advancement.
d.      The need to meet the dynamic nature of users’ requirements.
e.      To determine if the system is justified in terms of cost benefits analysis.
f.        As a preventive measure against system failure in order to improve its reliability
g.       As a detective measure against failure so as to minimize down-time
(b)          The step that would make fraud less likely to occur include:
a.       Use proper hiring and firing practice.
b.      Proper management of disgruntled employees.
c.        Train employees in security and fraud prevention measures.
d.      Manage and track software licenses.
e.      Confidentiality agreements should always be signed by employees.
f.        Develop a strong system of internal control.
g.       Segregate duties with clearly defined schedules.
h.      Duties should be rotated and all employees encouraged to go on vacation.
i.         Restrict access to computer equipment and data files.
j.        Encrypt data and files.
k.       Protect data and files.
l.         Protect telephone lines.
m.    Use anti-virus software.
n.      Exercise strict control over sensitive data

The following step could help to mitigate computer fraud:
a.       Conduct frequent software audit.
b.      Use a computer security officer.
c.       Monitor system activities regularly.
d.      Use fraud detection software.
e.      Make use of adequate insurance policy.
f.        Use backup copies of programs and data files in a secured location.
g.       Activate contingency plan.
h.      Use software to monitor system activities.
i.         Call in the law enforcement agents for investigation in order to recover possess if possible.
The name given to buying and selling on the internet is called e-commerce
The four main variation of buying and selling on the internet are:
(i)                  Business to-commerce        -          B2C
(ii)                Business to-commerce          -         B2B
(iii)               Commerce to-business          -        C2B
(iv)              Commerce to-commerce      -        C2C

Advantages of selling on the internet include the following:
a.       The ability to generate increased revenue through online sales.
b.      There is reduction in the cost of production through online deliveries.
c.       There will be attraction of new customers through web marketing.
d.      There will be increased loyalty exiting customers through improved web customer through improved web customer services and support.
e.      There will be development of new web-based markets and distribution channels for Kankan soda water.
f.        There will be improved profitability.
(a)    Kankan is spending 5% of its N76 million budget.
This amounts to (5%100 x N76, 000, 000).
    =         N5 x 760, 000
    =         N3, 800, 000
(b)   Global digital divide is the term used specifically   to describe differences in information Technology access capabilities between contributes and region of the world.
(c)    A Banner advertisement to any advertisement that appears on Web sites.
(d)   The possible crimes that could be committed during buying and selling on the internet include the following:
a.       The sharp practices of dubious marketers
b.      Dubious customer might change their e-mail addresses once goods are supplied
b.      There could be creation and introduction of computer viruses.
a.         Crackers or Hacker frequency assault the internet and other networks to steal or damage data programs.
c.       There could be unauthorized copying of software.
In order to aid selling on the internet, Kankan Co. plc may adopt any three of the following measures:
a.       Encryption of data as a means of protecting data and other computer networking resources
b.      Use of firewalls
c.       Use o virus defends mechanisms
d.      Use of computer failure controls.

Advantages of centralized processing
a.       There is a central control by management
b.      Consistent standard in developing and operations
c.       Centralized database open to all users
d.      Major hardware are concentrated in a single place.
e.      Computer staffs are in a single location and more expert staff are likely to be employed.
f.        Career paths may be more clearly defined for the computer personnel.
g.       Cost of duplicating computer resources including personnel in various locations are     saved
Disadvantages of centralized processing
a.          High cost of communicating with end-users in possibly
b.         Different locations
c.          Remoteness of i.e. users involvement is not encouraged
d.         Vulnerable on central computer
e.         Special environment for computer system and special training
f.            For user are required. This could be very expensive
g.          Department secret is not encouraged.
Advantages of Distributing processing
a.       Different locations are directly involved in processing
b.      Low communication cost
c.       Vulnerable to breakdown
d.      Reliance on central computer
e.      Special environment for computer system and special training
f.        For users are required. This could be very expensive
g.       Departmental secret is not encouraged.

Advantages of Distributing processing
a.       Different locations are directly involved in processing
b.      Low communication cost
c.       Faster response, since processing is done at each location
d.      Less impact caused by breakdown
e.      Provides subordinates with better knowledge and job satisfaction
f.        There is greater flexing in system designed. The system can cater for both specific needs of each local computer.
g.       There is a possibility if a distributed database, Data is held in a number of locations, but any user can access all of it for a global view.
h.      It is more economical to install smaller computers at each of the user’s location rather that concentrating all workers on a singles.

Disadvantages of Distributing processing
a.       Control over development  standard is difficult
b.      High hardware cost
c.       Duplication of data in different locations
d.      More staff is required
e.      The items of equipment used in the different locations may not be compatibles with each other which may lead to problems of incompatibility  of data file.
Ways by which the uses of information Technology can bring about improvements in productivity.
a.       Faster access to information and records
b.      Automatic processing and decision making
c.       Availability of wider range of information
d.      Reduction of errors caused by human processing
e.      Automatic monitoring of balance, stock level, etc.
f.        Productivity per labour will be higher, particularly on routine and operational applications.
g.       It is easier to make alterations
h.      Tidier environment, since there is less paper work.
Ways through which the use of information Technology sometimes harm productivity
a.       If not controlled properly, files and dated may be lost or corrupted
b.      Competitors may access confidential files through the network
c.       Unauthorized amendments to programs and files may be made for fraudulent purposes
d.      Computer virus may cause disastrous problems
e.      Denial of services when the computer is down.
a.       Input hardware consist of devices through which programs and data are sent into the computer.
b.      Examples of this input hardware are:
a.       Keyboard and monitor
b.      Mouse
c.       Scanner
d.      Video Cameras
e.      Microphones
f.        Joystick
g.       Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)
h.      Optical Mark Recognition (OMR)
i.         Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
j.        Digital tablets

Volatile storage device is a computer device which is unable to retain (store) data in the absence of electric power,  an example is Random Access Memory (RAM).

Non-volatile storage device id the computer storage device like Read Only Memory (ROM), which retains its state in the absence of electrical power to hold the computer’s initial instructions and data.
Outsourcing is the use of an outside organization or third party to perform services which otherwise would have been done within the organization.
a.       Outsourcing could reduce cost, since the salaries of permanent staff are not involved.
b.      It provides the advantage of special skills, expertise and dedication of the party company.
c.       It frees management of focus on its core business.

a.       Binds/locks the company to a provider
b.      Denies the company the opportunity of  understanding the processes better
c.       Possibility of loss of confidentiality
d.      There could be conflicting objectives. While the outstanding organization could be interested in cost project minimization, the parent organization will be interested in maximizing the performance of business benefits.

(a)    An e-business based enterprise is one that uses the internet, intrantets, extranets and other computer networks is support electronic commerce and other business processes and payments are made electronically.
(b)   E-business system should be periodically examined or audited by internal auditing staff as well as auditors to review and evaluate whether proper and adequate security measured and management have been adhered to and implemented.         

This typically involves verification of the accuracy and integrity of the e-business software as well as the input of data and output product using special test program or audit software packages.

Another objective of the e-business system audit is to test the integrity of an application’s audit trail itself. The audit trail may begin with a transactions’ appearance on a source document to its transformation and finally to output document by searching electronically through disks and tape files of pass activities.

Security measures that are commonly used to protect E-business systems and networks include:
a.       Implementation of firewalls
b.      Installation of encryption mechanism
c.       Use of biometric measures
d.      Use of antivirus software
e.      Password protection mechanism
f.        Use of computer failure monitor
g.       The integration of disaster recovery measures
h.      Acquisition of system tools
i.         Protection of system configuration parameters.

A website is a place on the internet where an individual, company or organization has information about itself.
Reasons for a business organization choosing to develop and maintain a website are to:
a.       sell or market products and services
b.      advertised products and services
c.       promote corporate image
d.      provide information
e.      reach out to several people simultaneously.

A.      Advantages of automobile include:
B.      Increased of productivity:
Output will increase as Computer will effectively take over some or all of the manual chemicals.
(ii)  Cost of reduction:
The cost of production of chemicals will fall.
(ii)   More effective use of materials. When there is no evidence of human mistakes, computers  will generally make better use of resources due to more accurate measuring and mxing. XYX may find that wastage of raw material decreases, providing some cost saving.
(iv) Better product quality:
Since accuracy of mixing raw materials and consistency of mixing raw materials as well of fiscal output are essential, machines (computers)tend to produce higher quality output than XYZ Organisation.
a.       Improved safety:
b.      Computers do not get tired or make mistakes, so a safer production process should result in use of robots.
c.       Improved security:
d.      Organization’s information will be more secured.
e.      Improved storage facilities.
f.        Health hazard is reduced.
g.       Over stocking of product is reduced due to the use of stock-control software.
h.      Workflow will be stream lined and simplified.
i.         Less labour-intensive.
(c)    Disadvantages of automation
(d)   Downsizing or redundancies:
Redundancy, because some human jobs will be replaced. XYZ will have to make redundancy payments.
Risk and uncertainly resulting from change. The change will introduce a higher degree of risk and uncertainly into the organization.
Higher capital expenditure:
Budgets will need to be prepared to help the board decide whether or not to invest automatically; because initial cost of automation will be enormous:

Increased unit maintenance cost: Maintenance of the equipment will be essential or the quality of chemicals could deteriorate.
Possibility that jobs may become dehumanized:
Workers will be required to maintain machines rather than perform more interesting jobs. This may have a negative impact on moral, affecting the efficiencies gained by using the new process.

It is a generic name given to a set of programs, document, procedures and routines associated with the operation of a computer system.
There are two basic types of software and they are:
(i)      System software
(ii)    Application software

System and application software:
System software consists of all programs that control and monitor the operation of the computer resource that are available in a computer instillation. They also perform some system activities such as loading of programs into memory and compilation of source programs. They are mostly provided by the manufacturers. Example – Operating System (OS). Translator, Utility programs, Loaders, Loaders, Editors.
Application software consist of programs intended to solve particular problems or performs specific tasks. They are written by users themselves or acquired from manufacturer as packaged.  Examples: payroll, word processing, spreadsheet packages graphical packages, database packages etc.

A computer is a system software language processor that converts programs written in a high-level code to machine readable codes or machine executable code. Compiler produces a set of object programs that could be executed later.

E-marking is an electronic communication system for linking buyers and seller. It allows companies to sell products to any person in the world, given that they have appropriate internet access.
a.                   It provides access to global market place.
b.                  Any organization, no matter the size, can maintain a website which is viewable   worldwide, thus without incurring the cost of setting up sales departments in many different countries.
c.                   It makes it cheap to set up and maintain internet sites.
d.                  Product awareness can be increased by appropriate use of internet advertising.

Access to databases are allowed, no matter where they are located within the organization. Obtaining and sharing of information will easily be supported between workers throughout the organization.
Training cost are limited because most employees will already be familiar with browser technology from the use of the internet.
Information can be provided in more user-friendly format, which will help encourage the use of intranet.

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