Friday, March 10, 2017

Road Transportation Management And Customer Satisfaction









This is to certify that this project has been read and graded in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Degree in Business Administration Caritas University, Amorji  - Nike Enugu, Enugu state.

_______________________                  ________________
Mr. Ani Walter                                 Prof. G .U Nwanguma
Project Supervisor                            Head of Department

Date________________                              Date________________

External Examiner



This project is dedicated to my Heavenly Father. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit for the grace given to me to go through this career and his unending love towards me throughout my years of study.


Indeed, I express my profound gratitude to God, the creator of heaven and earth for his protection and guidance throughout my course of study.
My sincere gratitude goes to my supervisor Mr. Walter Ani that took much of his time to read in between the lines of my manuscript and making necessary corrections and approving it thereof. And other lecturers Prof. G. U. Nwanguma, Mr. Melletus Agbo, Mr. Innocent Ubawike, and Mr. Kenneth Eziedo, that collectively made me what I am today through their lectures.
I also, show my gratitude to my mother, O. C. Ogbuu (Mrs) I thank God for her life and the way she brought me up most especially her financial support which saw me through school. God of mercy bless her and spare her life to enjoy the fruits of her labour.
Special regard goes to my uncles (Peter and Kenneth Okoli) for their unending love and financial support throughout the years. This work will be incomplete if I fail to acknowledge them. May God bless them abundantly.
I also want to show appreciation to my brothers and sisters, brother Chigozie,, Chukwunonso, Sister Ifenyinwa Chukwu (Mrs) Chika,  Chiamaka, Amara and Uchenna. May Almighty God bless them all.
I equally want to appreciate my course mate. It was nice knowing them.Some of them are Miriam,  Amara, Nneka,  and Ebere. I am thanking them all for their love, help and care.
Lastly to my friends, Isaac, Ifeoma, Uk, Chuks and Christian. They have been wonderful people and I pray that God should place them in positions (Amen).




Title page                                                                         i
Certification page                                                             ii
Dedication                                                                       iii
Acknowledgement                                                            iv
Table of contents                                                             vi
List of table                                                                      xi Abstract                                                                               xii

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction

1.     Background of  the study                                         1
1.2   Statement of the problem                                        2
1.3   Objectives/purpose of the study                              4
1.4   Research question/hypothesis                                        5
1.5   Significant of the study                                            5
1.6   Scope of the study                                                   6
1.7   Limitation of the study                                             6
1.8   Definition of special terms                                               7
References                                                               8

CHAPTER TWO: Review of the Related Literature

2.1   Theoretical framework                                             11
2.2   Historical background                                             15
2.3   Current literature on theories postulated above       16
References                                                               37

CHAPTER THREE: Research Design and Methodology

3.1   Research design                                                       38
3.2   Sources of data                                                        38
3.2.1        Primary source of data                                             38
3.2.2        Secondary source of data                                         39
3.3   The population of the study                                     39
3.4   Determination of sample size                                   40
3.5   Methods of data collection                                               41
3.5.1        Questionnaire design, distribution and
collection of responses                                             41
3.6   Methods of data presentation and analysis             42

CHAPTER FOUR: Data Presentation and Analysis

Data presentation                                                    43
Demographic characteristics                                    43

CHAPTER FIVE: Summary of Findings, Recommendation Conclusion
5.1   Summary of findings                                                       61
5.3   Conclusion                                                              62
5.2   Recommendation                                                     63


Bibliography                                                            64

Appendixes                                                              66


Table 4.1.1       Distribution and retrieval of
Questionnaire                                          43
Table 4.1.2       Sex distribution of respondents                       44

Table 4.1.3       Age distribution of respondents                       44
Table 4.1.4       Distribution of respondents by
marital status                                          45
Table 4.1.5       Distribution of respondents by
academic qualification                             46
Table 4.1.6       Distribution of respondents on
duration of patronage                              47

Table 4.1.7       Distribution of respondents on the
relationship between management
and customers                                                 48
Table 4.1.8       Distribution of respondents on
assessment of the management                       49
Table 4.1.9       Distribution of respondents on
assessment of the drivers                        50
Table 4.1.10     Distribution of respondents on the
goal of the company                                 51

Table 4.2.0       Distribution of respondents on
assessment of the vehicle they have
entered or traveled with                           52

Table 4.2.1       Distribution of respondents on whether
drivers travel with manifest                     53

Table 4.2.2       Distribution of respondents on what
they say about the services being
given or received from Peace Mass
Transit                                                     54

Table 4.2.3       Distribution of respondents on
having opportunity to patronize
somewhere else                                               55

Table 4.2.4       Distribution of respondents
on their opinion of the problem
facing the enterprise                                        56

Table 4.2.5       Distribution of respondents on
whether Peace Mass Transit has well
trained and efficient staff                         57

Table 4.2.6       Distribution of respondents on the
role of transportation management          58
Table 4.2.7       Distribution of respondents on
whether transportation company has
adequate modern technology                   59


Road Transportation was viewed by the researcher as a sine qua non in the economy whether developed or developing. Road transportation is seen as the engine of an economy. It links producers, suppliers, consumers and commuters. But poor, ineffective and inefficient road transportation system have crippled development and the collapse of many economic and social activities which have resulted in dissatisfaction among the customers in the industry. This is characterized by poor management that has resulted in the loss of life and property including damages worth unquantifiable amount of money. The researcher used primary and secondary sources and methods of data collection in the study. The researcher presented the data in tables and used simple percentages to analyze the data obtained. The findings of the research among others were that road transportation is very essential for the movement of goods and people. Inefficient roads all over the country make commuters uncomfortable. Lack of maintenance culture by drivers always result in breaking down of vehicles and poor services rendered to customers causes dissatisfaction. The researcher recommended that good roads  must be put in place to address the situation. Regular maintenance of vehicles and roads and provision of quality customer services that will satisfy the commuters who constantly use the roads and vehicles for their economic activities. Drivers who operate vehicles through the use of road can be improved by;

1.          Regular workshop for them on the use of roads.

2.          Motivational provision such as allowances for accident free driving in a period of time

3.          Other allowances for vehicle maintenance, provision of uniform and bonuses especially during feast days like Christmas are also recommended as incentives and motivational tools.

4.          Prefencial system of payment..



Road Transportation is a necessary end right from early history. The mobility of people and materials especially in the present days become one of the greatest needs that have to be adequately satisfied on our society and economy at large.
Transportation is referred to as the engine of the economy  (Kunri 2005:79). This means that with out transportation management system, the entire economy will suffer stagnation. Transportation helps to bridge the gap between producers, suppliers and industrials users as well as individual commuters.
Research has shown that transportation alone account for about 46% of the total physical distribution costs for manufacturing companies and 28 % for reseller companies
It is important to note that not much success can be accomplish in manufacturing, distribution of goods and services including the movement of people without transportation.
It is as a result of the great importance attached to transportation that man has over the years developed various transportation modes in other to facilitate the movement of people and materials. The mode of transportation selected will greatly depend on price, time, delivery, condition and destination, customer’s patronage, and past purchase satisfaction.
This poor transportation management can therefore jeopardize the source of procurement of materials; goods and services, movement or people and even course increase in prices and loss of lives.

Poor road transportation management is one major problem that is affecting the growth of the economy. Poor road transportation management has led to the ineffectiveness and collapse of the Nigerian road system that suppose to carry bulky goods from one city to another and has made inflation to be high. This in turn has bounced as the road transportation system characteristized by heavy duty lorries overworking the road system and the resultant effect is damages of roads causing accidents and loss of lives and property.
Poor management of Peace mass transit transportation system has caused breakdown of vehicles that has resulted in goods and movement of people not being able to reach their destination on time.
This poor management of road transportation systems has cost the nation a damaged image, loss of huge amount of money, loss of lives and properties and most customers are greatly dissatisfied with condition of road transportation in Nigeria.
Lack of poor technological development to monitor or regulate the speed of vehicles, lack of clean vehicles, high overloading of men and goods are great problems to road transportation. In addition, the poor attitude of drivers towards their passengers is nothing to write home about.

The over all objective of this research is to investigate the impact of road transportation management that will yield satisfaction to customers.
The specific objectives include:
To explore the operation of road transportation management in Nigeria as regard to peace mass Transit.
To identify the problems of road transportation management in Nigeria  
To determine the contribution obtained from effective road transportation management in Nigeria.
To identify the impact of road transportation management on the Nigerian economy
To make useful recommendation to road transportation management in Nigeria.

1.     Does road transportation management play any important role in the movement of goods and services?
Are commuters satisfied when there is breakdown of vehicle on the high way?
Are commuters satisfied when they do not reach their destination as scheduled?
Are commuters satisfied when driver is at high speed limit?
Does Peace Mass transportation company have adequate modern technology and infrastructure to the satisfaction of customer?

This study will be useful to many sectors of the economy, as little research has been done on this area. Thus road transport companies, ministry of works, transport, and academic will benefit immensely from this study.
Also, the commuters, manufacturing companies and businessmen especially the middlemen will equally benefit from the study.

This research work covers the road transportation system in Nigeria with special focus to PMT, their functions operationalization, problems and government policies to regulate this industry as to deliver maximum satisfaction to the public.

The researcher faced some limitation during the course of this research. Some branches or Peace Mass transport companies were unwillingly to supply the needed information due to the confidential and sensitive of the data. Thus research work have to source for the available data.
Time and financial factor were also the major factors as the timeframe to submit the project was too short for an extensive research. Lack of adequate finance to fund the researcher as to visit many places was another major setback.
MOT:       Ministry of Transport
VIO:         Vehicle Inspector Officer
FSLC:      First School Leaving Certificate
WEAC:     West African Examination Council
 NCE:       National Certificate of Education
OND:        Ordinary National Diploma
BSc:         Bachelor of Science
HND:        Higher National Diploma   
PMT:        Peace  Mass  Transit

Okakunori, O.K. (2006). Transportation Management. Enugu: Grovani Publishers.

Vewere, T. A (2000). Business Management. Benin City: Flovent System Publishers.

Ineigbenebor, A. U. (2005), Introduction to Business. Benin City: Uri Publishing Ltd.



Transportation is the movement of people and goods from one location to the other. It is a means by which goods (raw material, production equipment, operating inventories, semi-finished goods and finished goods) as well as people are able to get to or be made available where they are needed for commercials or non-commercial purposes, as at when desired. The mobility (transportation of people and materials) is therefore one of the greatest needs that have to be adequately satisfied in any society if any meaningful level of social interaction, co-operation, production activities, economic and other types of development, and the enhancement of human welfare is to be achieved. This is the reason why road transport is popularly referred to as the engine and wheel of the society (Olakunori; 1992:69) it helps the world to go round and function actively.
The necessity of road transport in the society can easily be realized when we consider the daily activities of an average person. He takes road transport to his place of work or business. The goods he bought are brought to him by  means of road transportation. He moves around to interact with others and goes to church activities with the aid of road transport. The police that ensure his peace and security depends greatly on road  transport for him to carryout their duties effectively.
Road transportation provides the essential activities of time and place. Utility of time entails making things available when they are needed. One of the industries where time utility is of a major essence is that of the daily newspapers. This industry greatly depends on road transport to ensure that its vendors and papers get to customers early in the morning when the news they carry is still regarded as fresh. As day wear on, the news becomes stale and lose it’s values and prices.
Road transport helps to provide and add place to goods by making consumers where they are needed. Most goods would be of no use to consumers if they are not made available at the places where they are needed for sale, purchase and or consumption
Hence the need for producers and marketers or business entrepreneurs to put in place an effective and efficient transport system for timely delivery of goods and services to adequately deliver satisfaction to the society is a necessary evil that can never be overemphasized

This study or research shall be hinged on anchored on Maslow theory of motivation otherwise also known as the theory of satisfaction. Maslow clearly stated that needs that are satisfied do not motivate but unsatisfied needs motivate. And that satisfaction occurs when the performance exceed desired expectation otherwise will occur when performance fall short of the desired expectation( Ijeware, 2000:18)

Theories of satisfaction

According to Ijeware (2000:20) Maslow’s advanced the following important proposition about human behaviour.
Humans are wanting beings: They always ask for more. As soon as one need is satisfied, another appears. In this place, this process is unending. It continues from birth to death. Therefore, although a particular need becomes satisfied, needs  in general cannot be satisfied.
A satisfied need can not give room for improvement, only unsatisfied need will give way for improvement
Human needs are arranged in a series of levels i.e hierarchy of importance. As soon as needs on a lower level is satisfied, the one  on a higher level appears and demand satisfaction.
Thus, Maslow felt that several different level of need exist within individuals and these needs related to each other in the form of hierarchy. His hierarchy of need consist of five levels which are physiological needs, satisfy (security) needs, social needs, esteem need and self-actualization needs.

Source: Ijewere 2000 ; 21.

Physiological needs: These are the basic needs that people satisfy in order to keep alive. They include food, water warmth shelter and sleep. Maslow is of the view that until these needs are reasonably satisfied to the extent to maintain life, other need will not emerge.
Security or safety needs: Once the physiological needs are relatively satisfaction, the individual’s safety needs influence his behaviour. These need have to do with man’s yearning to be free from physical dangers and pains.
Affiliation or acceptance needs: the individual is a social being and he implicitly expresses the desire for companionship, love and acceptance. He seeks the love of affliction of family and friends and affiliation with meaningful groups both in the community as at work. It is necessary to emphasize  that people may join other partly to satisfy affection needs and partly for grater security.
Esteem needs: When affiliation needs are satisfied, new need emerge, the desire for social esteem and prestige. People want to be seen as different from others. Everyone want to be equal but some people want to be more equal than others. At work a position of authority, a company car, an office carpel are means by which self esteem need are satisfied.
Needs for self actualization: At the top of the need hierarchy is the individual’s drive for achievement, creativity and growth guided by the motto: what a person can be, he must be, the individual would want to create and achieve everything which he is capable. He satisfies the need for achievement by the process of expanding effort and experiencing successful completion.
The drive of self-assertion varies in intensity from person to person. While almost every one has the need to be independent and to excise initiatives, for some people the desire for self assertionship over into a strong desire for power.
Normally, people wants to have an opportunity for growth. Only few people will be fully dedicated to their work, if the feelings that they can grow in the job is not given, satisfaction come from process of achieving growth as much as from the accomplishment itself. However, individual varies gratify in the kind and amount of satisfaction to which they aspire.


Peace Mass  transit Ltd started in the year 1994 with two hiace buses. It commence business as a transport company. Peace Mass transit which has now transformed to be one of Nigerian leading mini bus service company which moves about 30,000 passengers daily. The operational headquarter is located at Okpara avenue at Enugu which is under the supervision of Enugu north local government council. Presently, Pease Mass Transit has six deports, they are Enugu deport, Abakaliki deport, Onitsha deport, Aba deport, Abuja deport and Lagos deport. Pease Mass Transit operate only on a distance for their operations.(WWW. Peace mass transit Nig.Org)

 Now the company uses mini buses for its operations.

Presently, the company has more than 4000 vehicles for their operations.



Role Of Road Transport In The Nigerian Society

The role of road transport cannot be over-emphasized or exhausted. As already observed, it is indispensable if any meaningful level of economic development, social integration and development and the enhancement of standard of living is to be achieve in any society. Below are some of the important roles played by road transport, which makes it very indispensable in the modern society.
COMMUNICATION: Road transport is a major vehicle for communication. People have taken it for them to be able to make contact with others and disseminate information. Mails and other materials for information dissemination are also taken to their destination by road transport.
AID TO THE MOBILITY OF PEOPLE AND FREIGHT:  Road transport is synonymous will mobility. People rely on the means of it to move from place to place for economic, social, political, religious and other purpose. They also use it to move their goods from one location to another. Without an efficient road transport system, the tempo of economic, educational, political, medical, religious, social and other activities in our society would grind to a half.

Road Maintenance

No road is constructed to last for ever, just like every other created by man. Roads get damaged with usage time. Changes in weather conditions overtime, floods usage and other factors have some damaging effect on roads right from the moment they are  built. However, effect of these factors to a large extent depends on the quality of the material used for building specific roads, how well, they were constructed and the frequency of usage. Earth roads generally get damaged faster than their paved or tarred counterparts. The types and culverts of vehicles that would use a road and the volume of traffic have to be put into consideration when constructing  it in addition to the nature of the soil on which it is to be built. Otherwise, the road would get damaged quickly and fail to give the desired service. Every road need to be maintained in other to repair the damages occurring to it with time and usage.
Road in Nigeria and other parts of Africa are generally not well maintained. Heggie (1995:44), which carried out a study on maintenance of roads for the World Bank in Sub-Saharan Africa observed that by 1990, nearly a third of $150 billion invested on roads in the region had been eroded through lack of maintenance. It is common knowledge to all road users in Nigeria that poor, maintenance of roads in the bane of the roads transportation industry in the country. This problem affects all types of roads/federal, state and local death traps and have not received any maintenance attention for the past ten years, despite public outcry over the years.

Advantages of Road Transportation

Road transportation is carried out through the use of mini-buses, luxurious buses, pick up vans, saloon cars, stations wagon cars, tankers, truck trailers and motorcycles among others, the use of such a wide range of alternative vehicles for carrying passengers and cargoes gives the road mode of transportation many advantages when compared with others modes of transportation. The following are most important, among the advantages:
Road transportation is the only mode that offers door to door services without any intermediate unloading of vehicles. Manufacturers and commuters route as a service very high because of the secrecy and convenience, which it affords.
Motor vehicles generally on public highways and this makes the required terminal and right of ways cost less than what is obtained in most of the other modes such as air, water and rail.
The commercial services of road transportation are the cheapest to operate among all modes.
Road transportation is the most adaptable of all the modes of transportation. It combines with other mode more easily than any of the others.
Road transport is the most available. It services can be obtained at any time of the day and almost everywhere.
The cost of transportation by roads is generally much lower than that of air mode.
Road mode of transportation is the most accessible mode to both urban and rural dwellers all over the world. Every body can easily make use of it.

Disadvantages of Road Transportation

Despite many advantages associated with road mode of transportation. It has some disadvantages. The most prominent among the disadvantages are:

1.     The vehicles that are used for road are much unlimited in terms of their cargo capacity. Generally, ship, trains and aircraft carry higher volumes of cargoes than vehicles.

2.     Road transportation exerts more demand in limited urban space than other modes. It grabs for itself much of the limited urban space for the construction of streets highways ring roads, motor parks, parking spaces, garages, mechanic and other workshops and bus stops.

3.     Road vehicles are more prone to accident than other modes during transit activities. Many people who can afford to travel by other means but who are forced to travel by road because of its availability see it as a necessary evil. Accidents are common features on Nigerian roads because of inadequate maintenance of the vehicles on our roads. Lack of adequate parking space, carelessness and recklessness on the part of the drivers, an inadequate provision signs etc. Also, the gross failure of t MOT and VIO to perform their statutory duty of vehicles inspection and testing among others.

4.     Fuel crises which has remained intractable in the country for some years now makes transport service very unreliable.

5.     Because road are easily accessible, motor and passengers of transit are highly susceptible to attract by armed robbers in a country like Nigeria.

6.     For long journeys or trips, road transportation is very slow when compared with rail and air modes.


Problems of Road Transportation in Nigeria

A lot of problems are associated with operation of road transport service and  road transportation in Nigeria. Most of these problems arose as a result of poor management of roads on the part of the government as well as poor attention to customers on the part of the operators of road transportation service. Some of these problems are as follows:

1.     Recklessness of motor vehicle drivers: Many road transportation drivers are illiterate and do not attach much importance to value  of their passengers. Because of this, they are very careless and reckless on the road. This often leads to unavoidable accidents and loss of lives and valuable as well as great damages to their vehicles.

2.     Inadequate number of transit vehicles: The number of road transit vehicles is too inadequate to cope with the demand for road transportation in the country. Because of this, most vehicles often carry excess passengers and cargo, leading to accidents, inconvenience of commuters and damage to vehicles.

3.     Inadequate road network: The number and length of roads in the country is too inadequate to cope with the need for road transportation.

4.     Bad roads: The state of most roads in Nigeria is very bad. Most of the roads are filled with potholes and sharp pavement edges. These often cause accidents and damages to vehicles and cargoes as well as great inconveniences to commuters. This is the need for government at all level to give more attention to road maintenance in the country.

5.     Menace of highway robbery: The presence of numerous police checkpoints has not been able to put a check on this problem. Many innocent commuters losses their lives and property to highway robbers  everyday, despite the presence of police on the roads. This ugly situation has forces many road user to carry police escort, which increases the cost of road transportation.

6.     Inadequate maintenance of transit vehicles: Most of the transit vehicles on our roads are in poor state of maintenance. The prevailing adverse economic situation in the country. Poor maintenance culture and failure of the MOT and  VIO to discharge their statutory responsibility have left commuters to depend on rickety “conffins-on-wheels” for their journeys.


Managing the road transportation      

Management can be defined as the process of planning, organized, leading and controlling the work of organization members and of using all available organizational resources to reach organizational goals. (Stoners, Freeman and Gilbert 1996).

According to Drucker,(2000:45) management is the process of pulling together the effort of people in an organization towards the achievement of goals of that organization.

Attitude Of Transport Owners

        The transport owners lack marketing plan. Marketing plan is normally a short term plan that will direct the organization from one year to three years. It will enable the owner to have wide range of management benefit. It coordinate the available resources of the organization and eliminate confusion and misunderstanding in order to achieve maximum co-operation. In the absence of marketing plan, the transport owner will only have immediate management benefit and there will be no co-operation.

        Most transport owner lack the ability to minimize risk through the analysis of the internal and external environment. The planning procedure allows managers to identify areas of strength and weakness so that the first can be exploited and the second surmounted. In addition to that, opportunities can be assessed.

        Transport owners do not focus on long-term business objective. They do not plan to be in the best position to achieve its large term future aims which allow management to develop continuity of thought and action from one year to the next.

        Moreover transport owners are not interested in the satisfaction of customers but for profit maximization. They have power to generate or increase the level of commuters demand or even influence their pattern of demand but they only use their power on price in order to get profit.

        Transportation owners are self-centered. It is a major problem and one major one which is difficult to solve.

        Road transport owner do not provide adequate infrastructure for commuters. They do not care if the buses are regularly serviced or not. They believe that business is just for profit and they lack analytical and logical thinking.


Attitude of Drivers           

        Drivers have many attitudes. Most common ones among them are:

-                     Nonchalant attitude: Most drivers shows less concern where they are meant to show concern especially when it comes to passengers. They know what is right but they do not want to adhere to it. They sometimes do not stick to the regulation and as such, drive with high speed; hence cause accident.

-                     Reckless attitude: Drivers recklessness attitude has cause lost of lives and properties. Most drivers do not attach much important value to the life of the passengers and because of this they drive carelessly and recklessly on the road, showing lack of care resulting to danger and disregard towards the safety of passengers. Reckless driver drink alcohol and smoke while on duty which cause lost of lives and properties.

-                     Over speeding attitude: The attitude of over speeding is a serious problem. Over speeding has caused lives and yet, many lives are still in danger etc.

-                     Disobedient attitude: This is inability to obey the traffic rules and regulation. Most drivers fail to obey traffic rule thereby causing problem to their selves as well to their passengers.


Remedial Action

·                    Divers should regularly visit workshop for proper vehicle service

·                    Seminars should be conducted by road safety agency to educate drivers on things they need to know like obeying traffic rules, consequences of over speeding etc.

·                    There should be public enlightenment on danger of smoking, drinking alcoholic drink while driving and receiving of phone calls while driving as well.

·                    Drivers are required to be well experienced and be aware of driving skills before embarking on any driving assignment.

·                    Drivers should be taught how to be on a friendly note with their passengers, this bring about peaceful condition during driving and leads to safety of both the passengers and the driver.       


Responsibilities of the road transport managers

Whether a company operates its own fleet of vehicles or depends on the services of independents providers of carriers, it need to transport department or unit and a capable manager or supervisor to take charge of it. In a typical manufacturing and marketing company, road transport is required for sourcing production input and distribution of finished goods. It is essential for organizational people to note that basically, the same transportation activities are required for the inbound movement of production materials and outbound movement of finished goods.

The most important among the functions or responsibilities of a transport manager in a typical manufacturing and marketing company include the following:

1.     Routing: for a company making use of outside transport services, routing involves the choice of the mode of transportation to use for moving goods and personnel and the selection of a carrier or carriers within the mode. To a large extent, transport managers make this decision in consideration of the nature of the goods, the speed required, transport cost, service expected organizational resources and objectives, also customers expectations among others.

2.     Carrier selection: This is essentially part of routing the decision here should be taken, based on the transport need of the company, its resources and the efficiency of the alternative carriers available in the community concerned. A company should stick to the selected carrier for a relatively long period of time so as to benefit from accrued experience.

3.     Rate negotiation: rate negotiation has to do with the determination of transport charges for specific units of traffic and distance. The managers should ensure that his company obtained as low rate as possible, subject to the satisfaction of its transport needs.

4.     Transportation cost reduction: It is essential to transport managers who makes efforts to reduce the transport cost of his company. This can be done by transporting goods in bulk, engaging in pool car or pool truck management with others in order to transport car lead rather than less car load, packing goods in other to obtain rate reduction and effective rate negotiation among others.

5      Re-consignment: This involves changing the routing of consignment, its consignee and destination after it has been turned over to a carrier. Re-consignment is actually a type of diversion. When there is a need for diversion, the traffic manager needs to request the carrier to effect the necessary charges in routing and delivery on time before the consignment arrives at the original destination.

6.     Minimizing risk and making claims: Transportation involves risk. Claims are also necessary when damages or loses occur. The transport officer duty with respect to risk is essentially that of their minimization rather than complete elimination. One of the most effective means of minimizing transportation risk is by ensuring transport  facilities and the consignment  in transit. It is the right of a manager to make claims when necessary and should be made on time and through the right formal channel.

7.     Personnel management: The personnel working in the transport department of organization include drivers, mechanics, electricians, drivers mate, clerk and clearing and forwarding officials. The transport managers need to see that their duties are properly spelt out and that they are organized and motivated to achieve the departmental goals and corporate goals of the organization itself.

8.     Facilities maintenance: The transportation facilities should be kept in a good working condition at all times. It is good for a big company to have its own vehicles maintenance workshop.

The above maintained is a good and essential duties of a good manager.



The transport industry is a highly regulated industry. Though some modes of transportation are more regulated than other, there is no mode that does not feel the impact of government control measures in the country. Nigeria’s cases is not much different from that of any other country. However, the extent of government activities in the regulation and control of road transport in any place depends on the political and economic ideology by the government, the level of economic situation and the ability and maturity of the private and commercial providers of road transport services in the society concerned. In the regulation of road transport, government hopes to ensure the safety of the general public and users of road transport  services accelerate and appropriately channel the direction of the development of road transport operators and parties involve in transportation contractual relationship.

A number of reasons can be given to justify actions of government in regulating transport. The most popular among these reasons are as follows:


a.           Safety of general public and users of road transport: The vehicles used in the road  transportation  can sometimes pose great dangers to the member of the public and the users of their services. Some of these dangers (such as accidents) may be due to the use of faulty vehicles or the carelessness of drivers. Accident resulting from these may lead to the loss of live and valuables. Government tries to regulate transport by determining which vehicles are fit to be used for transportation and qualifies to operate. Through these and other measures, the public and users of  road transport services are protected.

b.          Environmental protection: Some road transports pollute and degrade the environment. Examples of these are the emission of dangerous gases from internal combustion engines, noisy and oil spillage from broken or vandalized pipelines.

c.           Economic stability: As we saw in chapter one growth of the economy of any nation depends heavily on road transport. Without a good road transport, no economy can develop or function properly. A mal function in the transport system can greatly jeopardize the interests of any nation’s economy. By controlling the excess of commercial, transport operators, government hopes on achieving and maintains economic stability.




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The study was carried out to examine the road transportation management and customers satisfaction in Peace Mass Transit Nig Ltd.

Satisfaction is crucial to the well-being and survival of any enterprise. Management by virtue of their position as decision – makers in any organization  wield  massive influence in the conduct of the organization  activities and thus determine the operation and direction of firm in order to achieve sated objectives or goals.




To obtain primary data from respondents, the researcher employed two basic methods, which are the use of personal interviews (oral). The researcher used personal interview to get factual data from the representatives of the company. The self-scoring questionnaire will be used to ascertain the employees perceptions.

The questions were simply worked to avoid obscure meaning and to encourage independent   in making the response.



Secondary sources were also made use of. They are magazine, newspapers and other researcher works that are related to the topic.

Collection of  secondary data  is being done by collecting information from the company’s magazine and other documented reports.



At the time of conducting this research, the population of persons working in Peace Mass Transit is four hundred and twenty (420) persons. This forms the population of study.




The statistical formula applied to determine a sample from a definite population as formulated by Yamane is as follows:

n      =            N__



Where n = the desired sample size

N      =      size of the population of interest

                (in this case it is 420 persons)

e      =      This is the limit of error tolerance which we assumed to 10% (i.e.0) substituting the figure in the formula therefore:

n      =      420




n      =      420




n      =      420          +      420

1+420              520


n      =      (sample selection) = 81





The method used for collecting relevant data for this study is questionnaire. The questionnaire is structured and fixed type of questionnaire.

The researcher used table and simple percentage method.



As stated above, oral interviews were held with some management staff of the company. In the course of the interview, the following questions were asked.

1.     what are the policies the managers use to satisfy their customers?

2.     What are the strategies being applied by the management of Peace Mass Transit to concretize the policies?

3.     How would you evaluate the effect of these strategies on customer satisfaction?

4.     What are other steps to be taken in future to improve these satisfaction strategies?

5.     What is the policies design for developing new satisfaction strategies that will suite the customers?



The data will be presented and analyzed with the use of table and simple percentage method.





This chapter deals with the presentation of data collected by the researcher. The researcher presents analysis of response obtained from the respondent.

Demographic Characteristics

Often there is always a change in the number of staff or customers working and patronizing respectively in particular period.


Table I

Distributing and retrieved of the questionnaire

No distributed

No returned


No. Not returned















Source: field survey 2010

From table 4.1.1 above shows that out of 81 questionnaire that were distributed to the respondents 73 or 90.1% were returned while 8 or 9.9% were not returned. The high rate of questionnaire returned was due to the researcher regular visit on personal capacity to the respondents.

Table 4.1.2

Sex distribution of respondents













Source: field survey 2010

In table 4.1.2 above out of 73 respondents 52 or 71.23 were male while 21 or 28.77 were female.

Table 4.1.3

Age Distribution of respondents
















56 above






Source: field survey 2010

In table 4.1.3 above shows that out of 73 respondent 8 or 10.96% were of the age of 18-25 and 13 respondents or 17.81% were at the age 26-35 30 respondents or 41.10% were of the age 36-46 18 respondent or 24.66% were of the age of 46-55 and 4 respondents or 5.48% were of the age of 56 and above.

Table 4.1.4

Marital status of respondents













Source: field survey 2010

Table 4.1.3 shows the marital status of the respondents out of 73 respondents 36 or 47.32% are single while 37 or 50.68% also of the respondents are married. Therefore, showing that married customers are more than the single customers that patronizes Peace Mass Transit.

It is good to know the educational background of the respondents, hence the respondents were asked to indicate their high educational qualification. See table 4.1.4.

Level of education of the respondents

Level of education

No of response











Post graduate



Professional qualification









Source: field survey 2010

The table indicates that none of the respondents had primary six as their highest qualification. Those that admitted that WAEC was their highest qualification numbered 30 which represents 41.10%, the total presented 10 or 13.70% of the respondent had, NCE, OND. 14 or 19.18% of the respondent are graduate/HND and post graduates numbered to 10 or 13.70% of the total respondent while 9 or 12.33% of the respondent had professional qualification as driving.

Based on the information in the above table, it can be said that majority of the respondent had WAEC as their highest qualification which represent 30 or 41.10%.

The researcher also want to know the duration which the customers have been patronizing Peace Mass Transit. The table below shows the number of years the respondents have patronize the company.



Level of duration of patronage

Duration of patronage

No of response


1 month – 5 years



6 years – 10 years



11 years – 15 years above






Source: field survey 2010

It is shows that 20 or 27.40% of the respondents have patronized the company between and 5 years, 40 or 54.80% of the respondents have patronized between 6 and 10 years. While 13 or 17.81 respondent have patronized peace transit for years and above.

Based on the above information it is therefore revealed that majority of the customers that patronizes Peace Mass Transit have been between 6 years and 10 years.

The researcher went further to interview in other to know the relationship that exist between the management and the customers.

Table 4.1.6

Respondents responses on relationship between management and customers

Question: What working relationship exists between the management and the customer?







Non cordial






Source: field survey 2010

Table 4.1.6 shows that out of 73 respondents 20 or 27.40% said the relationship between management ands customers is cordial while 53 or 72.60% said it not cordial.

Table 4.1.7

Respondents responses on assessment on the management

Question: what is your assessment on the management
















Source: field survey 2010

In the above table, it shows that out of 73 respondents 13 or 17.81 said that Peace Mass Transit management is efficient, 40 or 54.79 said that its management is inefficient and 20 or 27.40 states that its management is bad.


Table 4.1.8

Respondents responses on assessment of the driver

Question: Do drivers of Peace Mass transit run at extreme speed on the high way?






Over speeding









Source: field survey 2010

In the table 4.1.8 above, out of 73 respondents, 9 or 12.33% states that drivers drive good, 43 or 58.90 states that the drivers over speed while driving and 21 or 28.77% gave information that the drivers drive recklessly while driving.

Based on the above information, the majority gave information that the driver of this company over speed while driving.


Table 4.1.9

Respondent’s responses on the main goal of the company.

Question: What do you think is the main goal of Peace Mass transit?




To make maximum profit



To give transport service






Source: field survey 2010

The above table shows that out of 73 respondents 63x.30% respondent feels that the company is out to make profit while 10 or 13.70 feel the company is out here to provide transportation services for the people of the state.

Based on the above information, it indicates that Peace Mass transit is out to make maximum profit possible.

Table 4.2

Respondents response of assessment on the vehicle they have entered or traveled with.

Question: What is your assessment on the vehicle you have entered or traveled with?



















Source: field survey 2010

The above table shows that out of 73 respondents 5 or 6.85% asses the vehicle they have entered to be good, 10 or 13.70 said their assessment is fair and 40 or 54.79%  of respondents said bad while 18 or 24.66% states worst.

Based on the above information, the majority of the respondents gave information that their assessment on the vehicle they have traveled with is bad.





Table 4.2.1

Respondent responses on if driver travel with manifest

Question: Does the drivers of Peace Mass Transit travel with manifest?














Source: field survey 2010

The above table shows that out of 73 respondents, 73 of 100% of the respondents feels that the driver of Peace Mass Transit always travel with manifest.

The respondents (customers) were asked to evaluate the organization in terms of customer’s satisfaction. The result of their response are liquated in the below table.


Table 4.2.2

Respondents responses on service being received from Peace Mass Transit.

Question: What do you have to say about the services being received from Peace Mass Transit?
















Source: field survey 2010

From the above table out of 73 respondent 16 or 21.92 said satisfied, 19 or 26.03 said fair while 38 are dissatisfied with services being given to them at Peace Mass Transit.

Further, the respondent were ask if they have the opportunity to patronize somewhere else would they like it? The result of their responses are depicited below.

Respondents responses on if they have opportunity to patronize somewhere else.

Question: As a customer, if you are given opportunity to patronize somewhere else will you be happy?

Table 4.2.3














Source: field survey 2010

The above table shows that 48 of 37% out of 73 respondent says they will patronize somewhere, else if they have the opportunity while 25 or 34-25 will not want to patronize somewhere else if opportuned.

This shows that the majority of Peace Mass Customers will stop patronage if opportuned.

Table 4.2.4

Respondents responses on the problems facing the enterprise.

Question: What is your opinion on the problem facing the enterprise?










Bad leadership






All of the above







Source: field survey 2010

The above shows that out of 73 respondents, 5 or 6.85% says that the problems being faced in Peace Mass Transit is financial problems, 6 or 8.22% says is personal problem, 15 or 20.55% says is bad leadership problem, 45 or 61.64% says is mismanagement problem while 2 or 2.74 respondents says that it is all of the above problems.

Based on the information given above, it is cleat that majority of all respondents which numbered to 45 or 61.64% gave information that the problem being faced in the Peace Mass Transit today is a result of mismanagement.

Table 4.2.5

Respondents responses on well trained and efficient staff.

Question: Does Peace Mass Transit have well-trained and efficient staff?













Source: field survey 2010

The above table show the response of 73 respondent which of that 73, 65  or 89.04% says that Peace Mass Transit have well trained staff while 8 or 10.96% said that the company do not have well trained staff.

Based on the above information the majority of the respondents states that Peace Mass Transit have well trained staff.

Table 4.2.6

Respondent response on important of transportation management.

Question: What do you think about the role of transportation management?







No important






Source: field survey 2010

The above shows that out of 73 respondents 50 i.e 48.49% of them says and agree that transportation management plays an important role in the movement of goods and services. Based on the above information transportation management is the engine of the economy.


Table 4.2.7

 Respondent response on if the transportation management have adequate modern technology and infrastructure.


Question: Does transportation companies have adequate modern technology and infrastructure to the satisfaction of customer?














Source: field survey 2010

The above information shows that out of 73 respondents 53 or 72.60% says that Peace Mass transit have adequate modern technology and infrastructure to the satisfaction of customer. While 20 or 27.40% respondent says that Peace Mass transit do not have adequate modern technology and infrastructure. Base on the above information, the majority of the respondents states that Peace Mass Transit have adequate modern technology.





Researcher arrived at the following findings which include:

1.     Road transportation management plays important role in the movement of goods and services. In recognition of this, intangible data collected on the role of transportation movement on the movement of goods and services show that transportation in any economy is a sector that can not be over emphasized. The researcher discovered that transportation management plays a vital or major role in the movement of goods and services. This means that the mobility of people and material especially in the present days, is one of the greatest needs that have to be adequately satisfied in our society and economy at large.

Secondly, commuters always express dissatisfaction when there is any major breakdown of vehicle when they are on business appointment.

Thirdly, most commuters are highly dissatisfied or not delight when they cannot reach their destination as required. This could be because of not meeting up with business or other relevant appointment.

 Fourthly, commuters are always not comfortable and skeptical when drivers drive at very high speed. This is one of the major reasons of fatal accident on our highways.

Finally, most transportation companies lack modern infrastructure such road and road signs and facilities such control computer and air conditional in their organization to take good care of the customers.



Knowing that road transportation is referred to as the engine of the economy, the road transportation management should get in more modern facilities for easy road transportation services and also maintain the equipment available to them.


The management of road transportation companies should make sure that the transport vehicles go through routine maintenance to reduce the rate of breakdown of transportation vehicle  on the highway.

Secondly, the management as well computerize the company as to monitor the speed limits on the driver. This will help to reduce the rate of road accidents and make the company to have goodwill.

        Finally, the management should also provide modern infrastructure and facilities to take adequate care of the commuters.




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Department of Business Administration

Faculty of Management,

Caritas University

Emene Enugu

Enugu State.

12th April, 2010


Dear Sir/Madam,




I am undertaking the Study of Road Transportation Management and Customers Satisfaction. A case study of Peace Mass Transit.

This question is a means of obtaining information from you concerning your present position and personal perceptions of the availability of these data. Answers to the question should be as much as possible reflect your individual opinion and situation.

In answering these questions, your name is not necessary required. I am interested only on the data. All information obtained will be treated in confidence and utilized purely for academic purpose.

Thanks for your co-operation.

Ogbuu Cynthia.





Please tick [√] as a response to any option best in your opinion.

1.     Your name__________________________________

2.     Sex: Male [  ] Female  [   ]

3.     Age:  18-25  [  ]26-35  [ ]36-45  [  ]  46-55  [  ]56 above  []

4.     Marital status: Single  [   ] Married  [   ] Others  [   ]

5.     Academic qualification: FSLC  [   ] WAEC  [   ] OND  [   ] NCE  [   ] HND  [   ] B.SC  [   ] PHd  [   ] Others  [   ]


Section B

6.     What working relationship exists between the management and the customers of Peace Mass Transit? Cordial  [   ] Not cordial  [   ]

7.     What is your assessment on the management Peace Mass Transit?

Efficient  [  ]

Inefficient  [   ]

Bad  [   ]

8.     What is your assessment on the drivers? Good  [   ] Very bad  [   ] over speeding  [   ] reckless  [   ]

9.     Which of these objectives do you consider to be main goal of Peace Mass Transit?

To make the maximum profit possible  [   ]

To provide transportation service not necessarily at profit  []

10.   How does the relationship between the management and the customers of Peace Mass Transit affect the company?

It makes more productive  [   ]

It has no effect  [   ]

It makes less productive  [   ]

Don’t know  [   ]

11.   What is your assessment on the Peace Mass Transit you have entered or traveled with? Good  [   ] Fair  [   ]

Bad  [   ]  worse        [   ]   Worst  [   ]

12.   Why do you prefer Peace Mass Transit? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13.   Does your driver travel with manifest? Yes  [   ] No  [   ]

14.   Do you feel bad having other competitors? Yes  [  ] No  [   ]

15.   Does the management Peace Mass Transit provide steady employment?

Yes  [  ] No  [   ]

16.   Does the management of Peace Mass Transit organization maintain the vehicles regularly? Yes  [  ] No  [   ]

17.   Do drivers of Peace Mass Transit run at extreme speed on the highway? Yes  [  ] No  [   ]

18.   What safety measure does the enterprise give? ______ ________________________________________________________________________________________________  _________

19.   Assuming customer bought a ticket but along the time, something comes up that he or she need not to travel again, will the management consider his/her refund of payment? Yes  [  ] No  [   ]

20.   What are the criteria for employing?


Other staff:___________________________________

21.   In your opinion, what is the problem facing Peace Mass Transit?

Finance [  ] mismanagement  of fund [  ] personal [  ] bad leadership [  ] all of the above [  ] none of the above [  ]

22.   How will these problems be solved?



23.   Does Peace mass Transit have well trained and efficient staff Yes  [  ] No  [   ]

24.   What do you think about the role of transportation management?

Important [  ]

Not important [  ]


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